“Top” Uniform Ideas for Your Beer League Softball Team

When you are playing in an adult beer league, regardless of the sport, you know that your main goal is to have fun (yes, and to win, but mainly to have a good time). Since you are indeed primarily there to have a blast (and potentially get blasted) with your friends, coworkers, and peers overall, then why wouldn’t you want to have fun with your uniforms as well?

Beer league uniforms should first and foremost adhere to any rules or standards set in place by governing entities, but they should also be comfortable and add a flair to your team every single game!

Without further ado, let’s get to it: the key ingredients needed to create the perfect uniform for your beer league softball team!

Pick a Quirky and Memorable Team Name
Beer leagues aren’t made to be straight-faced (hence the term “beer” readily tossed in the title). In order to comply with the mandatory “let’s just have a good time” vibe, your team should absolutely not have a boring name! Instead, choose a funny, quirky, and memorable team name because this is a beer league, for crying out loud, not the MLB.

Here are just a few examples of what we mean:

● Post Melons (a play on “Post Malone”)

● I’d Hit That

● Ice Cold Pitchers

● Blood, Bath and Beyond

● Bat Attitudes

● Inglorious Batters

● I’m All About that Base

You could also have a more–ahem–raunchy team name, such as Balls to the Wall, Hit for Brains, and Sons of Pitches. Simply brainstorm with your team, put it up to a vote, and choose the name that you all would be proud to wear on your jerseys (and hopefully have engraved on the series-winning trophy!).

Get Custom T-Shirts (Short Sleeve or Long Sleeve)
Now for your jerseys. You all should go for custom t-shirts, whether they have short or long sleeves. The sleeve length ultimately depends on everyone’s preferences and the season you’re in (long-sleeve is great for fall, which short-sleeve is great for–you guessed it– summer!).

Then, make sure your team name, the person’s last name, and their numbers are properly displayed following any league uniform guidelines previously set. Within these confines, have a “ball” and really opt for fun in your jersey, including vibrant colors! A funny logo never hurt anybody, either!

Purchase Matching Men’s Softball Shorts
Now for your bottoms. We highly recommend breathable and comfortable men’s softball shorts. These can provide you with the perfect combination of comfort, style, and coverage while playing on the diamond.

When shopping for men’s softball shorts, closely consider the materials, if they have drawstrings, their sizes, and of course colors (you obviously want them to match your jerseys!).

Or Opt for Men’s Softball Pants
Are shorts going to be a bit too chilly for your team or are you all looking for more protection from the dirt, grass, and mud on the field? There are plenty of men’s softball pants to choose from as well. They, too, can give you the desired coverage and comfort you require. They can even give you all added protection from scrapes and scratches during gameplay!

Match Accessories, like Hats and Socks
Last but certainly not least is your accessory options. Make sure that these all match for your entire team so you can all look far more “uniform,” put together, and even evoke some intimidation. These include items like your hats, socks, belts, and even cleats.

For all your softball needs, be sure to trust in HbSports to supply you with what you need. They have high-quality softball apparel and softball playing gear so you can really shine on that diamond, with a beer in your hand or not! Browse all of their options today and find just what you and your team needs. Cheers and batter up!

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