
Are Clergy Cassocks Making A Comeback?

One or two generations ago, many a priest started thinking clergy cassocks were an unjustified imposition and represented a hindrance in our job imparting the teachings of Christ. Many churches started restricting the use of clergy cassocks and clericals to their places of worship and other administrative jobs or official […]

How drones are utilized for geomatic surveying?

Geomatics surveying can be referred to as the combination of on-field surveying efforts and applying the techniques of geomatics at once. Geomatics is considered to be an important tool for planning and monitoring social, economic, and various technical processes. Geomatics is a systematic and multidisciplinary approach to selecting the right […]

Tips for Getting Vanda Orchids to Bloom

Vanda is a genus within Orchidaceae that contains about 50 species known, unsurprisingly, as Vanda orchids. Native to tropical areas of East Asia and Australia, Vandas are beloved for their colorful blooms and relatively easy care. There are many cultivars and hybrids of Vanda orchids for sale, and in the […]