Why Invest In a Portable RV Water Softener

You should think about getting a portable RV water softener if you’ve ever had trouble with mineral buildup in your shower head or rust stains in your sink or toilet. It’s an affordable and easy way to improve your RV’s water system and extend the life of any systems in your RV that are dependent on water.

How Do RV Water Softeners Work?
A process called “ion exchange” softens the water in a recreational vehicle. This is what makes the water feel smoother. Through ion exchange, calcium, iron, lime, and magnesium ions found in hard water are replaced with sodium ions.

When chemicals from hard water build up in the plumbing of your RV, it can cause problems and shorten the life of its parts. They can build up in the plumbing system and even the water heater. You may have noticed rust stains in your RV sinks or toilet, or that your showerhead is cloudy, as these are telltale signs of concentrated minerals.

For this reason, and especially if you frequently visit places with hard water, installing a water softener in your RV may be a good idea.

To Put It Simply, Soft Water Is Worth It.
Through the process of water softening, cation-forming metals like calcium, magnesium, and others are removed from the water. Hard water can damage an RV’s plumbing and appliances, but a water softener will stop that from happening. This will eliminate the need for some costly maintenance and repairs, and simply make your time while using your RV that much more enjoyable.

A soft water system might help you save money by extending the life of your RV in general. Also, you couldn’t get the benefits of drinking soft water, which include a drop in the number of minerals that cause bad tastes and smells, without soft water.

What Is the Best Portable Water Softener?
Putting aside the specifics, you can find the best portable water softener options on the market over at RVupgrades.com.

On The Go Water Softener OTG4-DBLSOFT is the most powerful and compact RV water softener on the market, with a grain capacity of 16,000 per unit. Regeneration from use takes around 30 minutes, and it softens 40% more water than competing models.

This portable water softener system is widely used and highly regarded, and it connects to your RV and the campground’s water supply via a regular garden hose. It’s portable, uses no electricity, and doesn’t require any special tools. Perfect for those of us who would rather not deal with any extra hassle when trying to enjoy themselves.

RVupgrades.com offers the On The Go Water Softener OTG4-DBLSOFT and a wide variety of other essential RV accessories, tools, appliances, and more. Everything you need for a smooth RV experience, as well as regular RV maintenance, they have it available in their online store. Definitely check them out if you need a soft water system for your RV or anything else for that matter!

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